Sodexo Sustainable Chef Challenge.


Competition Guidelines.


  • Entry is open to all chefs and culinary professionals with a Sodexo email address, permanently and fully employed by Sodexo Ltd and/or agreed affiliated companies.
  • - The recipe and images must be the entrant’s original creation and not previously published.
  • Competitors should ensure that they have full permission of their line manager as appropriate. Line managers should be made fully aware by the competitor of all aspects of commitment for the competition including practice required and take up of any prizes where time away from work is involved. Entrant’s line managers name and email is required upon registration.
  • All rules, which apply to the competition, will be final. Organizers and judges will not enter into any debate regarding results or issues surrounding the competition. The Judges Committee decision is final.
  • Successful applicants will be notified by the organizers as per competition guidelines. Communicate to both successful and unsuccessful by email.
  • Acceptance by competitors of entry to the competition means acceptance of the competition rules and regulations and the rules of any associated parties with any connection to this project. A check box will be included in the registration process.
  • All efforts will be made in relation to queries by competitors to assist competitors for a successful competition.
  • All finalists must be available for LIVE Final Event week in Paris from the 11th of November through to the 15th of November 2024. The finalist is responsible for reviewing and aligning on the time commitment with their line manager.
  • The Finalist must have a valid passport to be able to travel and obtain a Visa if applicable. All travel, Accommodation and meals will be provided for by the regional finalist.
  • If you are entering from a global segment you will be judged within the region where your site is based.d one

Round one: How will this work?

Written Entry Only

  • Register your interest for the competition on the registration page and you will receive a competition information pack containing the following items.
    o Recipe Template
    o Competition Guidelines
  • We invite you to present one innovative sustainable dish of your choice which celebrates the authentic creativity showcasing delicious global flavours, shows ingenuity with the use of ingredients and/or cooking techniques.
  • Your dish will need to be prepared and cooked within 45 minutes.
  • The dish must be 100 % plant-based, focus on health and nutrition and low-carbon recipe development.
  • Feature sustainably sourced ingredients such as Future 50 ingredients that have a lower environmental impact as well as local and seasonal ingredients.
  • Each dish should be under 900G carbon (Sodexo CO2e). The carbon score will be completed centrally after submission.
  • Must incorporate a circular food waste approach (trimmings, by-products, or repurposing* all parts of the ingredients must be incorporated).
  • Dish MUST be aligned to one of Sodexo’s Modern Recipe and Kitchen Works culinary ethos.

Considerations should include:

  • The dish should achieve a minimum of 65% gross profit and be commercially viable within your region (this will form part of the marking criteria).
  • The dish should be presented plated and must be a main course (Entrée) that is practical to produce and serve at various locations.
  • Focus on authenticity with flavour being a key factor.

Submission requirements

  • Required for Submission: Your recipe MUST be returned using the Sodexo recipe template.
  • Your submission must include the recipe title, clear method, cost structure, and a photograph you’ve taken of the finished dish.
  • A photograph of yourself in your Sodexo chef uniform (headshot)
  • Along with some information about you! What inspired you to be a chef? What inspired your recipes?

Round One Evaluation & Selection:

  • Judging for Round 1 will be carried out by the regional culinary team.
  • Round 1 will be written entry only and managed by the regional culinary team.
  • Each winning regional dish will be put forward for Carbon calculation in partnership with Eaternity and will form part of the marking criteria for the grand finale.
  • The regional winner will be put forward to participate in a 2-day immersive development session along with advanced culinary training and compete in the final against their peers globally.
  • Regional winners will be assigned a senior chef ambassador to mentor and coach from their region.

Round two: How will this work?

Grand finale.

  • Date: November 11 - 15, 2024 in Paris for the live cook-off

Each regional competitor is to be coached and mentored by a regional culinary senior chef and local Rational to support and refine dishes.

Regional winners must submit a short video explaining why they chose their dish and share their passion for food and sustainability.

A briefing session will be held with the finalists in September to provide them with the dish criteria for the Grand Finale, equipment overview and trip experience details.

Need further assistance?

If you have additional questions, contact us at