Perfecting Croissants and Pastries.

A Guide to Precision Baking with RATIONAL.

The allure of a perfectly baked croissant, with its delicate layers and buttery aroma, is a testament to the artistry of baking. In the realm of precision baking, RATIONAL Combi Steamers emerge as the secret weapon for achieving pastry perfection that transcends expectations. Baking croissants with steam is becoming not only a feature but the right choice!

The Foundation: Quality Ingredients Meet Precision Technology.

Crafting exquisite croissants begins with quality ingredients, but the journey to perfection is truly elevated by the precision of RATIONAL iCombi. These innovative appliances provide an ideal environment for dough to rise and layers to form, ensuring that each pastry is a work of culinary art. The iCombi Pro offers precise control over steam injection, creating the optimal conditions for dough expansion and forming those coveted flaky layers. This controlled steam environment is the secret to achieving that perfect balance between crispiness and tenderness.

Should I bake croissants with steam?

Baking croissants with steam is a technique that contributes to achieving the characteristic flakiness and tenderness that defines a perfect croissant. Here's why steam is beneficial in the croissant baking process:

  • Crust Development: Steam helps in the initial stages of baking by delaying crust formation. This allows the dough to expand fully before the outer layers set, contributing to a lighter and flakier texture.
  • Rise and Volume: The controlled introduction of steam assists in the rising of the dough during the baking process. This is particularly crucial for croissants, where achieving a light and airy structure is key.
  • Colour and Appearance: Steam aids in creating an attractive golden-brown crust on the surface of the croissants. The controlled moisture content in the oven enhances the Maillard reaction, contributing to the desirable colour and flavour of steamed croissants.
  • Moisture Retention: Croissants are known for their delicate, buttery layers. Steam helps maintain a humid environment in the oven, preventing the dough from drying out too quickly and ensuring the final product is moist and tender.
  • Consistency: The iCombi allows for consistent results across batches. This is crucial in commercial settings where uniformity is key to meeting customer expectations.

Temperature, Time and Steam Ratio Control: a Symphony of Heat for Consistent Results.

Consistency is the hallmark of a masterful baker, and the iCombi Pro maintains precise croissant steam temperature throughout the baking process. From the initial proofing to the final golden bake, these steamers ensure that each croissant mirrors the last, delighting customers with a consistent, high-quality experience.

Here are some general guidelines:

Steam Temperature:
The steam temperature typically ranges between 350°F and 400°F (175 °C to 200 °C). This temperature range helps create a humid environment in the oven, promoting optimal dough expansion and achieving a golden-brown crust.

Steam Ratio:
The steam ratio is the amount of steam introduced into the oven, usually measured in percentage terms. A standard recommendation is to start with a high steam ratio (around 100%) during the initial phase of baking when the croissants are rising. Then, gradually reduce the steam as the baking progresses to allow the crust to form.

Steam Time:
The perfect steam time for croissants can vary based on factors such as the specific recipe, the size of the croissants, and the baking equipment used. However, a common practice is introducing steam during the baking process's first 5 to 10 minutes.

This initial period of steam helps prevent premature crust formation, allowing the dough to expand and contribute to the desired flakiness.

Efficiency and Time Savings: a Baker's Best Ally.

In the fast-paced world of commercial baking, time is a precious commodity. RATIONALCombi Steamers not only bake impeccable croissants with steam but also streamline the baking process. With efficient preheating and reduced cooking times, these steamers become a baker's best ally, ensuring a swift and seamless production flow.

The Art of Presentation:
Golden Brown and Irresistible.

The visual appeal of pastries is as important as their taste, and the iCombi Pro delivers on both fronts. The controlled steam environment enhances browning, giving pastries that irresistible golden hue that signals perfection. The result is not just a steamed croissant; it's a work of art that beckons customers to indulge.

In the world of baking, where precision meets artistry, RATIONAL Combi Steamers stand as indispensable tools for perfecting croissants and pastries. From the delicate lamination of dough to the final moments in the oven, the iCombi Pro ensures a level of excellence that defines a bakery's signature touch. The versatility of these appliances allows for experimentation with various shapes, fillings, and flavour profiles, opening a world of possibilities for a bakery's menu.