Delivery times as short as before Covid times.

News – 2022-11-25

Good news for the hospitality industry for the end-of-year period: We are now back to our usual extremely short delivery times for all iCombi and iVario orders within Europe. This will allow us to once again offer delivery times at 2019 levels, before the strain on supply chains caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. For orders in the overseas markets (mainly USA, Asia and Latin America) we will only be able to achieve short delivery times again in the coming weeks, depending on the situation locally.

"The numerous measures, but also the overall improved situation on the procurement markets, now make it possible to offer our customers the usual service again and to meet the demand for fast delivery," says COO Peter Wiedemann, the board member responsible for production and delivery. "Especially with rising energy costs and the lack of skilled workers, our iCombi and iVario products with their energy-efficient production and flexible options are a worthwhile investment in the hospitality industry," Peter Wiedemann continues.