Delivery times shortened significantly.
Relief expected within the next few weeks.

News – 2022-09-30

After months of tight supply chains and accordingly longer delivery times on our products, our pace has picked up again compared to the first half of the year, thanks to numerous response measures as well as a general relaxation of the situation along the entire supply chain. As such, despite continuing to enjoy high demand for both the iCombi and the iVario, we will be able to shorten delivery times even further.

Though there are still a few production backlogs to catch up on, we anticipate that the exceptionally quick pre-COVID delivery times we are known for will resume on the iVario before the end of the year. The iCombi situation has improved considerably as well. We expect to return to delivery windows of just a few weeks for our overseas markets and a few days for Europe in the first quarter of 2023. This will be welcome news to our hospitality-industry customers, many of whom have had to accept long wait times as the price of uncompromising quality and performance in recent months. We deeply appreciate this show of confidence in the RATIONAL brand, and we are obviously committed to continuing on our mission of maximizing customer benefit.