Equipment financing with Marlin.
Pays for itself and also financing equipment has never been easier.

New technology does not always have to mean high investment costs. Our iCombi Pro is no exception: with its enormous power and flexibility, it will yield major advancements for your kitchen, replacing many other appliances, including the convection oven and steamer. The rewards of the iCombi Pro are most visible in your kitchen. You save on energy, water, and raw materials, and produce less waste. RATIONAL also frees up to 30% more space as you can replace up to 40 to 50% of all traditional cooking appliances. And so our iCombi Pro pays for itself within one year.

And even better Financing equipment has never been easier:

Buy now and pay as you go. You can acquire the equipment you need now and then pay for it over time with Marlin’s Pick-A-Payment Financing Program.

Marlin will help you match your payment plan with your cash flow and budget.